Due to the fact that many people are still working remotely, it is important to ensure that your critical information and data is protected.The majority of companies take time to protect data through cloud-based backups and software updates, but some may overlook the protection of their physical infrastructure. It is this physical infrastructure that keeps equipment running at optimal performance and reduces downtime and data loss if things go wrong – it is essential to protect IT effectively.All businesses will inevitably experience downtime due to IT issues. Increasingly, these issues are caused by power interruptions such as spikes and surges, as well as complete mains failure. During these electrical power problems, businesses with adequate back-up power will remain protected and sensitive IT equipment will continue as usual.
Continu has transformed the way service maintenance is delivered and managed via a range of innovative digital tools. Remote monitoring (‘EcoStruxure IT’ by APC) provides an efficient alternative to having an engineer physically on your site.
This service uses real time monitoring of your assets. Our digital approach to service support is intuitive, future proofed and flexible. The inclusion of remote monitoring software provides instant information about the health of your system, often leading to a faster and more efficient resolution. Attributes such as thermal condition, circuit breaker health, patrial discharge, eliminates many of the manual inspections associated with periodic PM’s and provides Continu and your site contact with a higher level of protection. Our purpose is to empower you to make the most of your backup power assets as efficiently and sustainably as possible.
Some of the key benefits of EcoStruxure IT include:
Easy to access – data and notifications from alarms can be accessed from any connected device or from the app on any smart phone which gives instant visibility and the flexibility to monitor your IT Infrastructure from anywhere. This helps to avoid an alarm storm and understand the root causes
Flexibility of a cloud-based application – Cloud based software updates and backup are also automatically applied.
Smart tool predictions – proactive recommendations are provided which could mean fewer service visits are required. This also helps to mitigate risk and incidents are consolidated
Centralised management of all networked devices (vendor neutral) which means you can manage assets from different vendors (monitor 3rd party equipment)
Linked to Continu’s customer portal. Continu are the registered partner to on-board your business with this best- in- class software.
The Continu team can help spot when there are issues and provide advice remotely, saving you time and costs on unnecessary call outs.
Continu can help you ensure that your critical systems are always kept up and running, saving you money, preventing downtime, and protecting your data. For a free 30-day trial of EcoStruxure, contact us. Carry on with business as usual (even if that means working from home!).